handling your

digital Public Relations

putting your best foot forward

Boutique Digital PR Services

How does your company handle negative comments made on your IG posts? How do you broach touchy yet necessary subjects with your audience? How do you communicate your company’s values?

The way you communicate with your target audience on and off line can have a huge impact on your overall success and longevity as a business. 

Here at TruLata, we can guide you through positive, productive communication with your audience. From responding to scathing reviews to breaking the news that you’re raising the cost of shipping on all orders — we’ll help you navigate those sticky situations. Plus, we can help your team adopt best practices for digital outreach.

Why prioritize digital PR?

The way your company presents itself online and interacts with current and potential customers has a direct impact on your bottom line. However, more important than the motivation of making a profit is the fact that positive communication matters. Ultimately, the way your company handles people affects the reputation of your brand and the individuals behind it. 


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